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Monday, October 7

10:15am CDT

Room 313 - Is It Time to Shake Up Your Equipment Lending Program?
Monday October 7, 2024 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
In the quickly changing landscape of equipment lending, I will be exploring how our library has experimented with our equipment lending program in the last 3 years, with changes to the equipment checkout software we use, the policies we enforce, and the ways we train student workers and staff. Changes to our equipment lending software have moved us from having equipment managed by individual departments or available through the library’s management system (spreadsheet-based tracking and Alma), to software that specializes in calendars and library of things lending (Springshare’s LibCal), and now to software that is built specifically for equipment lending (WebCheckout). Policy adjustments have included how we handle late returns, the length of reservations, how far in advance people can make reservations, renewal periods, and restrictions on who can check out certain materials. With these changes, we adjusted our student worker model as well—from having student workers in a variety of departments handle different equipment, to having it be managed by the access services student workers, before transitioning to having a dedicated pool of student workers. While there are pros and cons to each of these lending methods, I will discuss why we have chosen to make specific changes, why we have made so many changes to the program in such a short period, the challenges this has presented, and take a look forward at what we anticipate for the future along with how this can apply to other institutions.
avatar for Susan Fiser

Susan Fiser

Student Employment & Technology Associate, St. Olaf College
Monday October 7, 2024 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
Pyle Center 702 Langdon St, Madison, WI 53706

11:30am CDT

Room 313 - Turning two into one: successfully combining Circulation and Technical Services into Access Services
Monday October 7, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm CDT
In 2022 Baldwin Public Library joined the national trend of having one department handle both Circulation and Technical Services – but only because our Head of Technical Services left to be a librarian in the private sector. Rather than hire a replacement, our administration combined both departments and promoted the Head of Circulation (not a librarian) instead. Come hear what has worked for us, what hasn’t, and what we still need to do! Features advice on staffing, job duties, and training and includes a Q&A/participatory portion at the end. For reference, at Baldwin cataloging, processing, and acquisitions as well as system administration and circulation are overseen by our new Access Services department.
avatar for Kristen Tait

Kristen Tait

Head of Access Services, Baldwin Public Library, Michigan
Monday October 7, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm CDT
Pyle Center 702 Langdon St, Madison, WI 53706

2:00pm CDT

Room 313 - "Pivots and Tables" - Using Excel Data Visualization to Make Informed Decisions in Circulation and Access Services
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Not every library has access to specialized analytical software such as Tableau or MS Power BI. Still, circulation managers and librarians need to be able to make meaningful connections between circulation data, space usage, patron counts, marketing campaigns, and patron engagement to improve library services. It is possible to use Excel as both a data collection and visualization tool for Circulation and Access Services related data. This provides an easy and cost effective solution for circulation managers since many institutions, both public and private, have access to Excel through MS Office.

This presentation provides a brief overview on how to use simple pivot tables and charts in Excel to turn raw data into meaningful visualizations that can be used to make informed decisions that can have positive impacts on marketing efforts, utilization of space, and delivery of services to patrons. The methods demonstrated in this presentation are simple and direct with no need for specialized training on the part of the attendees. The first half of the presentation will focus on how to format data and create visualizations including data dashboards using pivot tables in Excel. The second half of the presentation will demonstrate how this methodology is being used in the CTR Library at the University of Nebraska at Kearney to make informed circulation management decisions.

The presentation will take a total of 40 minutes with an added 20 minutes post-presentation for questions and discussion.
avatar for Joseph Taylor

Joseph Taylor

Access Services Coordinator, University of Nebraska at Kearney
Monday October 7, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CDT
Pyle Center 702 Langdon St, Madison, WI 53706

3:15pm CDT

Room 313 - Beyond the Barcode: Using Custom Check Out Sheets for Circulation, Training, and Instruction of Audiovisual Equipment
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
When people hear that the Studio at the UTC Library checks out audio/visual equipment worth up to $6,000 to students, they are shocked! They can’t believe we “give” students such expensive equipment. However, use of quality audio and video equipment is paramount to student success on our campus and others due to the rise of High Impact Practices and multimedia assignments. These assignments are common across the disciplines at our university, from Nursing to English to Anthropology, but most departments do not provide the equipment needed to complete the assignments. Our circulating collection, worth over $100,000, provides access to high-end equipment for students regardless of major or financial status, and our team of both full-time staff and faculty, as well as part-time student staff, fill in the instructional gaps to ensure that students are trained effectively to use the equipment.

Since the Studio opened in 2015, we have used iterative design to develop tools and resources to help our staff and students understand and use advanced equipment for a variety of creative projects. Using custom check out sheets for each equipment kit during circulation allows us to both review the equipment and potential fines/fees with patrons, as well as train new staff on the circulation process. In this presentation, we will discuss how we design (and redesign) check out sheets to minimize lost or broken equipment and related financial costs, as well as provide instruction on using equipment for both patrons and staff.

Sarah Kantor

Studio Librarian, University of Tennessee Chattanooga

Rebekah Thompson

Studio Manager, University of Tennessee Chattanooga
Monday October 7, 2024 3:15pm - 4:15pm CDT
Pyle Center 702 Langdon St, Madison, WI 53706
Tuesday, October 8

9:00am CDT

Room 309 - Going Dewey-Free
Tuesday October 8, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CDT
The North Liberty Library transitioned away from Dewey classification for nonfiction in 2011, switching to a modified BISAC (Book Industry Standards and Communications) or more commonly, the book store model. We get frequent calls about the process, how we got started, and what reaction has been from the public. The process continues to evolve over ten years after we started, and we've learned a lot along the way. Using this book store model eliminates a lot of confusion and mystery that surrounds the Dewey Decimal System, and hopefully presents a less biased approach to organizing a nonfiction collection.

Andrew Frisbie

Collection Development Librarian, North Liberty Library
Tuesday October 8, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CDT
Pyle Center 702 Langdon St, Madison, WI 53706

10:15am CDT

Room 309 - From Carpet to Cookbooks: Rethinking Space and Collections
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
Over the past decade, Kenosha Public Library envisioned space renovation and improved collection development. Despite facing the challenges of the pandemic, civil unrest, and the loss of our administration office building in 2020, we persevered, earning recognition as the Wisconsin Library Association’s Library of the Year in 2020 and an IMLS National Medal Finalist in 2021. In 2022, an unexpected opportunity allowed us to launch a design plan that propelled us three years ahead of our strategic plan, integrating innovative collection development goals. We genrefied our fiction collection, started the transition away from the Dewey Decimal System in non-fiction, and established a hybrid Pop Asia collection. Join us to dive into the details of our transformation, discover our process for deciding difficult taxonomy, explore the methods used for reshaping our collections, and learn about the significant outcomes observed a year later.

Zander Miller

Digital Strategy Librarian, Kenosha Public Library
Zander Miller is a librarian focusing on digital literacy and technology. He moved to Kenosha five years ago to start working at Kenosha Public Library straight out of graduate school. His work and instruction focuses on empathy and understanding of how the public experiences changing... Read More →
avatar for Shannon Urban

Shannon Urban

Branch Manager Southwest Library, Kenosha Public Library
Shannon Urban is the Southwest Library Branch Manager at Kenosha Public Library. She has been with KPL for 10 years, previously as a reference librarian and Head of Adult and Digital Services before accepting her current role. Of all her Branch Manager responsibilities, Shannon most... Read More →
Tuesday October 8, 2024 10:15am - 11:15am CDT
Pyle Center 702 Langdon St, Madison, WI 53706

11:30am CDT

Room 325/326 - Empowering Access Services through Technology: A Qatar National Library Perspective
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm CDT
Our presentation will commence with an overview of Qatar National Library, highlighting its vast collection, dynamic user base, and the annual influx of 30,000 new patrons. The increasing demand for library resources, reflected in over 400,000 physical checkouts annually, underscores the need for innovative solutions to manage this workload effectively.

Technological Innovations:
The core of our presentation will focus on the technological advancements implemented by the Access Services team. We will delve into the Automated Book Sorting System, self-borrowing and return stations, mobile app borrowing, Stack Map for efficient book location finding, and iPads strategically placed for catalog access. These technologies collectively contribute to a seamless and user-friendly library experience.

Future Developments:
As part of the library's commitment to staying ahead in the technological landscape, we will explore upcoming innovations. A new robotic system is set to join the team, addressing misshelving challenges and optimizing shelving arrangements. Additionally, the library aims to extend its reach by providing remote access through strategically placed library vending machines in various locations across Qatar.

Work Pressure Management:
Acknowledging the importance of maintaining service quality during peak periods, especially on weekends, our presentation will provide insights into the strategies employed by Qatar National Library. Attendees will gain valuable knowledge on how the library effectively manages work pressure, ensuring a positive user experience even during high-demand periods.

In conclusion, our proposal promises an engaging presentation that goes beyond technology, offering a holistic view of how Qatar National Library navigates the evolving landscape of library services. Attendees will gain insights into technological implementations, future developments, and effective work pressure management strategies, positioning our presentation as a valuable resource for libraries seeking to adapt and thrive in the digital age.
avatar for Shadab Ahmad

Shadab Ahmad

Head of User Services, Qatar National Library

Shaban S. Laari

Senior Access Librarian, Qatar National Library
Tuesday October 8, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm CDT
Pyle Center 702 Langdon St, Madison, WI 53706
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